The 171CCC76010 is a M1/M1E Processor Adapter from Schneider, supporting 8192 discrete inputs and outputs. It offers 512 kB of Flash memory and integrates communication through one RS232C non-isolated port.
Memory and Processing
Flash Memory: 512 kB
RAM: 512 kB
Data Memory: 24 kB
Program Memory:
18 kB LL984
240 kB IEC
Word Length: 16 bit
Exact Time for 1 Kinstruction: 1 ms
I/O and Communication
Discrete I/O Processor Capacity: 8192 I/8192 O
I/O Processor Capacity:
26048 I/26048 O (Register)
8192 bits max (I/O limit)
I/O Words/Drop: 128 I/O Concept
80 I/O ProWORX
Number of Ports:
1 I/O bus
1 RS232C non-isolated
Power and Supply
Rated Supply Voltage: 5.0 V DC ±5%
Supply: By Momentum I/O base
Product Information
Material: Lexan
Product Weight: 0.09 lb (0.042 kg)
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